Thursday, December 2, 2010

Bee Hive Oven SOLAR!!

I'm a guy who just loves the beehive oven.  It just makes sense and is very energy efficient. Use it for baking bread, crackers, cookies, pizzas, or roasting coffee beans.  A lot of coffee is bad because the beans are not roasted with enough heat (too expensive) more later on  this (maybe)

Je suis un gars qui aime juste le four ruche. C'est tout simplement logique et est très économe en énergie. Utilisez-le pour la cuisson du pain, craquelins, biscuits, pizzas, ou grains de café de torréfaction. Un lot de café est mauvais parce que les haricots ne sont pas torréfiés avec assez de chaleur (trop cher) plus tard sur cette question (peut-être)

Hive Four Bee solaire!

Oven Bee Hive SOLAR!
Saya orang yang hanya mencintai oven sarang lebah. Ini hanya masuk akal dan sangat hemat tenaga. Menggunakannya untuk membuat roti, keropok, kuih, pizza, atau biji kopi dipanggang. Banyak kopi adalah buruk kerana biji tersebut tidak dipanggang dengan panas yang cukup (terlalu mahal) lebih di kemudian hari ini (mungkin)



I put some ships on this site (down below) because I love them and a Vespa 200 scooter (love them too) 
Site above is cool and has some nice pics.  Note that beehive ovens were/are used for both cooking and industrial uses such as making coke (a type of fuel).  Additionally, small beehive ovens are on the market and can even be portable (on wheels)  I always think of the BHO of being made of massive amounts of material like stone, dirt, etc. to hold a lot of heat.  I guess the portables do a much better job than a regular BBQ with a lid but I like the big homemade kind.

Le site est cool ci-dessus et a quelques jolies photos. Notez que des fours à ruche ont été / sont utilisés pour la cuisson et les utilisations industrielles telles que la fabrication de coke (un type de combustible). En outre, les petits fours à ruche sont sur le marché et peut même être portables (sur roues), je pense toujours à la BHO d'être faite de quantités massives de matériel comme de la pierre, la saleté, etc tenir beaucoup de chaleur. Je suppose que les portables font un travail beaucoup mieux qu'un barbecue régulière avec un couvercle mais j'aime le genre maison grande.

Situs di atas adalah keren dan mempunyai beberapa pics yang bagus. Perhatikan bahawa ketuhar saranglebah itu / yang digunakan baik untuk memasak dan menggunakan industri seperti pembuatan Kokas (sejenisbahan bakar). Selain itu, oven sarang lebah kecil di pasaran dan bahkan boleh portabel (beroda) Saya selaluberfikir tentang BHO menjadi terbuat dari sejumlah besar bahan seperti batu, kotoran, dll untuk mengadakanbanyak panas. Saya rasa mudah alih melakukan pekerjaan jauh lebih baik daripada BBQ biasa dengan tutuptapi aku suka jenis buatan sendiri besar

My plan is to make solar beehive ovens.  I want to make beehive ovens that use direct solar (like in a solar oven) and can be supplemented with solar cells (photovoltaics) #PV.  No problem tossing a cow pie in there (cow chip, dried dung, whatever) to augment the heating cycle.  Beehive ovens hold that heat for a long, long time. efficient  

Mon plan est de faire des fours à ruche solaire. Je veux faire des fours à ruche qui utilisent solaire direct (comme dans un four solaire) et peut être complété avec des cellules solaires (photovoltaïque) # PV. Pas de problème, lancer une tarte à la vache il (puce de vache, de fumier séché, peu importe) pour augmenter le cycle de chauffage. Fours Beehive conclure que la chaleur pour une très, très longtemps. efficace

Rencana saya adalah untuk membuat sarang lebah oven suria. Saya ingin membuat oven sarang lebah yang menggunakan langsung matahari (seperti dalam oven suria) dan boleh dilengkapi dengan sel suria (photovoltaic) # PV. Tidak ada masalah membaling pie lembu di sana (lembu cip, kering kotoran, apa pun) untuk meningkatkan kitaran pemanasan. oven Pramusari menahan panas yang untuk waktu yang sangat lama. cekap

Notice that this text is in large print. I know how to be helpful

I'll put some links on here to commercial, home style beehive ovens for those who like to cook BBQ, roast, bake, etc, in you backyards.  I still think you'd be better off making your own out of dirt and what you can scrounge.  I have no financial interest in any sites I link to unless they are my own. 

Perhatikan bahawa teks ini di cetak besar. Saya tahu bagaimana untuk membantu

Aku akan menaruh beberapa link di sini untuk komersil, oven rumah bergaya sialang bagi mereka yang suka memasak BBQ, panggang, panggang, dll, di halaman belakang anda. Saya masih berfikir anda akan lebih baik membuat keluar kotoran anda sendiri dan apa yang dapat mencuri. Saya tidak mempunyai kepentingan kewangan dalam setiap laman web yang saya link ke kecuali mereka sendiri.

Beehive oven images provided by Google 

▼Not sure how this got here but will leave it!



Some of these ovens are built into buildings, some are free standing with the characteristic beehive humpy, dome shaped. They are all beehive ovens (sort of)  Some just look like brick ovens, no more no less. 

Beberapa oven yang dibina ke dalam bangunan, ada pula yang berdiri bebas dengan pondok sialang ciri-ciri, berbentuk kubah. Mereka semua oven sarang lebah (semacam) Beberapa hanya kelihatan seperti oven batu-bata, tidak lebih tidak kurang.
A ready made oven you can buy. It does have a steel door but I didn't see a picture of it. I hope the door is insulated, wrong not to insulated the door in my book. One must keep that heat inside as much as possible. 

Here's another one, seems a bit pricey to me. 

Berikut ini satu sama lain, tampaknya sedikit mahal bagi saya.
Another one you can buy (Napastyle)

Here's instructions on making your own. Like these people but skimmed site without indepth look. 

Totally unrelated, but if you want to take a short break from the beehive oven topic, you can read my somewhat dark little tale, Farmdale. (almost called Farmvale) You can read it and come back here. Heh heh. 




Authored by Farrell Hamann as is this site.
Author, visual artist, videographer, explorer, pet owner, day, twitter monkey (@farrellhamann)
My youtube video channel is: farrellhamann  Some comedy, a net TV series, art tours, and pets.  All on there....  Please follow and like.  Facebook also.  Most of my Facebook friends are comics who don't know me but find me cause I have a lot of FB comic friends, or something. F.


作者,视觉艺术家,摄影师,探险家,宠物主人,日,叽叽喳喳猴(@ farrellhamann

我的YouTube视频频道是:farrellhamann一些喜剧,净电视剧,艺术之旅,和宠物。所有在那里....注意和喜欢。 Facebook也我的Facebook上的朋友大多是漫画谁不认识我,但我,因为我有一个朋友的FB漫画,还是很多。

Vespa Scooter 06 200 Grand Turismo 
(I had a lambretta scooter back in the late 60's
 1966 Lambretta Motor Scooter

Cargo ship in drydock

Wheelhouse (not for the freighter above)

Cargo vessel, Gearless freighter 178.1 ft.
Build 1973, 680 Horse Power


 Cheeseburger: I bite up this burger personally for this image.
My wife says that I take giant bites!

Cheeseburger: Aku menggigit Facebook burger ini secara peribadi untuk gambar ini.
Isteri saya mengatakan bahawa saya mengambil gigitan raksasa!

Cheeseburger: je mords jusqu'à ce burger personnellement pour cette image.
Ma femme dit que je prends les piqûres de géant!

My cool calendar, available at Lulu


Cover pic for my new calender. Get yours at lulu (or is that Lulu?)
Notice that the elusive Montecito Cheese Rat is in this image.  Rare photo.
When the Bitey Cats get together with the cheese rats, watch out.  Taken at Bitey Castle.
Candle light is lovely.  I love blue candles (they're supposed to attract good Spirits)
Cover pic untuk kalendar baru saya. Dapatkan anda di lulu (atau adalah bahawa Lulu?)
Perhatikan bahawa sukar difahami Montecito Cheese Tikus dalam gambar ini. Langka foto.
Ketika Kucing Bitey berkumpul dengan tikus keju, hati-hati. Diambil di Castle Bitey.
Lilin adalah cahaya indah. Saya suka lilin biru (seharusnya mereka menarik Spirits baik)
order kalendar anda di sini.

order your calender here. 
Thanks (my Twitter Avatar for farrellhamann below)

"Hang higher than a Hamann" Family Motto
 "Hang lebih tinggi daripada Hamann" Motto Keluarga


J'ai vécu à Paris France pour sept mois. J'aime la France
Я может выглядеть как зомби, но я парень возлюбленной любви
Ich mag wie ein Zombie aussehen, aber ich bin ein Schatz lieben Kerl


Author Farrell Hamann Has a high KLOUT score
作者法雷尔哈曼具有较高的KLOUT评分Привет, вы можете увидеть мои видео на моем канале YouTube: farrellhamann

Daughter and I are on the basketball court waiting to hi-5 (or slap hands) with the entire Sacramento Kings basketball team at Arco Arena in Sacramento, California.  We we invited and given dinner, free box seats, the shirts, a meeting with one of the players and the court side event because of my high KLOUT score.  (my score is higher now)  Naturally, my beautiful daughter was spotted by to TV (television) crew and interviewed from our box seats and played on TV and the big screen in Arco Arena.  The team mascot also came up to our box.  I'm used to this... when we are out with our daughters, we always get free deserts!  Thanks Maloof family and KLOUT for a wonderful evening.

Daughter dan aku berada di lapangan basket menunggu untuk hi-5 (atau tamparan tangan) dengan seluruh pasukan basket Sacramento Kings di Arco Arena di Sacramento, California. Kami kami mengundang dan diberi makan, kerusi tempat percuma, kemeja, pertemuan dengan salah satu pemain dan sisi acara mahkamah kerana skor tinggi KLOUT saya. (Skor saya lebih tinggi sekarang) Tentu saja, putri cantik saya ditemui oleh ke TV (televisyen) kru dan mewawancarai dari kerusi tempat kami dan bermain di TV dan layar besar di Arco Arena. Maskot Pasukan juga datang ke tempat kita. Saya sudah terbiasa dengan ini ... ketika kita berada di luar dengan puteri kami, kami selalu mendapatkan gurun percuma! Terima kasih Maloof keluarga dan KLOUT untuk malam yang indah.
女儿和我都在等待篮球- 5法院与整个萨克拉门托国王队在阿科在萨克拉门托加利福尼亚州体育场篮球队(或拍击手)我们邀请并给予我们的晚餐,自由厢座,衬衫一个球员和KLOUT因为我的成绩库尔锡德事件一次会议。 我的分数越来越高当然,我美丽的女儿,就被发现电视(电视)船员,并从我们厢座采访,电视上和在阿科球馆的大屏幕上播放。该小组吉祥物也走到我们的包厢我已经习惯了这个...当我们我们的女儿时,我们总能得到免费的沙漠马鲁夫家族KLOUT感谢一个美好的夜晚Make a cool plaster vase. Video tutorial  

Link to the Montecito Cheese Rat. The favored pet of the super wealthy rich. A cheese rat in a yellow diamond necklace is not an unusual site in this suburb of Santa Barbara, California. They prefer Pinconning cheese from Michigan. The author builds palaces and castles for them. 
Kirkja Blue Moon / Moon geislar á Naked rass: Saga The Exulted One, stofnanda kirkjunnar á Blue Moon. Sorglegt saga um hann var tekinn sem ungur drengur með illu Captain af Polar blaðra og neyddu í Bilge þar sem hann lifði á rottum eldað á fimm watta ljósapera.

Note: I'm not crying here (above) it is just that "CoconutBra" was already taken.
Nota: Saya tidak menangis di sini (di atas) itu hanya bahawa "CoconutBra" sudah diambil.
Sacred Rubble. Just rubble, nothing more. Humble. Not classy like European rubble or Middle Eastern or Asian rubble. It is what it is. A heap. 
les tas de décombres de gravats, des tas, des piles
Schutt, Pfähle, Haufen, Stapel und Haufen. nichts Besonderes

 For Professional, expert beauty tips and tutorials, please visit my daughter, Kate's, channel on youtube: IKHAMELEON  Makeup artistry, cosmetics, makeovers, supplies, and more.

Pour les professionnels, d'experts conseils de beauté et des tutoriels, s'il vous plaît visiter ma fille, Kate, le canal sur YouTube: Maquillage artistique IKHAMELEON, cosmétiques, du maquillage, de fournitures, et plus encore.

Untuk Profesional, tips kecantikan ahli dan tutorial, sila lawati puteriku, Kate, saluran di youtube: IKHAMELEON kesenian Makeup, kosmetik, makeover, persediaan, dan banyak lagi.



Для специалистов, экспертов советы по красоте и учебные материалы, пожалуйста, посетите мою дочь,, Кейт канал на YouTube: IKHAMELEON макияжа артистизм, косметика, перфекционизма, аксессуары и многое другое.

لموظفي الفئة الفنية، نصائح الجمال الخبراء والدروس، يرجى زيارة ابنتي، كيت، قناة على يوتيوب : IKHAMELEON الفنيةماكياج، ومستحضرات التجميل، التجميل، والمستلزمات، وأكثر من ذلك .

Para profesionales, consejos de expertos de belleza y tutoriales, por favor, visitar a mi hija, Kate, canal en youtube: arte IKHAMELEON maquillaje, cosméticos, maquillaje, material, y mucho más.

IKHAMELEON श्रृंगार कलात्मकता, सौंदर्य प्रसाधन, makeovers, आपूर्ति, और अधिक: व्यावसायिक के लिए, विशेषज्ञ सुंदरता सुझावों और tutorials के, मेरी बेटी है, केट, यूट्यूब पर चैनल पर जाएँ.

IKHAMELEON 메이크업 예술성, 화장품, makeovers, 공급, 그리고 : 프로 전문 뷰티 자습서, 내 , 케이트, YouTube에 채널 방문하시기 바랍니다.

Für professionelle, kompetente Beauty-Tipps und Tutorials, besuchen Sie bitte meine Tochter, Kate, Kanal auf YouTube: IKHAMELEON Makeup Artistik, Kosmetik, Umarbeitungen, Zubehör und vieles mehr.

Professionale per consigli di bellezza di esperti e tutorial, si prega di visitare mia figlia, Kate, il canale su youtube: IKHAMELEON arte trucco, cosmetici, estetici, forniture e altro ancora.

Para profissionais, dicas de especialistas de beleza e cursos, visite a minha filha, Kate, canal no youtube: IKHAMELEON artístico de maquiagem, cosméticos, maquiagem, suprimentos e muito mais.

Đối với các chuyên nghiệp, chuyên gia về thủ thuật làm đẹp hướng dẫn, xin vui lòng truy cập vào con gái tôi, Kate, kênh trên youtube: IKHAMELEON nghệ thuật trang điểm, mỹ phẩm, Thay đổi vẻ ngoài, vật tư, và nhiều hơn nữa.

Pro profesionální, tipy odborníků krása a návody, navštivte mé dcery, Kate, kanál na YouTube: IKHAMELEON Makeup umění, kosmetika, Makeovers, zásoby, a další.

Check out my profile!

Videos are a creation of Out By Noon Studios, a Division of Farrell Hamann Fine Art. Sacramento/Montecito California. Approved by the Montecito Cheese Rat, Old Butthairs, and the Exulted One.  The Montecito Cheese Rat is the favored and very pet of the billionaires of Montecito, California.  The author of this site creates Palaces and Castles for these rats of superb elegance and world class (museum) quality. Never excelled!

Post modern abstract acrylic painting by California artist, Farrell Hamann, Friendly Series

Silver Marble Toy Sculpture (marble run toy)

Emerging artist/writer Farrell Hamann (larva)

Note: I'm going to start selling my flat marble toy spiral via the net very soon (hand held for kids older that 4 1/2 due to choking hazard) Don't have any made up yet but will soon. Each one will be different. Don't have pay pal so you'll have to pay by money order or silver, perhaps personal check until and if I get Paypal. Have some other ideas in the works for gifts and what nots. I'm thinking I need an inexpensive line of art and that's what's motivating me.  These toys would make great Christmas or birthday gifts or just to have around as sculpture.

Below: Latex mold for making spiral marble toys, I've made a number of these and they are great toys and help with hand eye. The finished marble spiral will be approximately 12 1/2 inches across. For Price, I thinking $32 shipped in USA or $55 for two. You can always arrange to pick up in person in Sacramento and see my huge art collection (giant spheres, obelisks, castles, chateau, paintings, wall hangings, large marble toys)
Latex rubber mold for casting spiral marble toys
I decided to accept writing assignments again so let me know what your needs are.

Phone: 916-641-7696

"Malice in Wonderland: A Tea Party Fable"  (A cool book that will not amuse the evil billionaire brothers, David and Charles Koch. Why you should boycott all Georgia Pacific products which includes Dixie Cups, Stainmaster carpets, and a hell of a lot of crappy toilet paper and paper towels. The Koch brothers just want to pollute freely and have already created a Superfund site with their toxic waste. The Tea Party candidates and office holders, like Jim DeMint, Rand Paul, etc. really suck. By the way: conservatives supported King George and the Redcoats during the American Revolution and the Boston Tea Party was about fair taxes, not no taxes!! The Tea Party is not a grassroots movement, it is astroturf paid for by the Koch billionaires who want to create their own cadre of Hitler type Brown Shirts.  They need to be stopped.  Sad, how they are passive and played by corporate money.  Only time to be as passive as them is when you have a thermometer stuck in your ass!  Fox News and CNN are part of the problem because they support the crazy right wing and won't call out liars like Limbaughzbub (El Rusbo)  Prescott Bush, George W's grandfather supported and aided the Nazis DURING WWII.  Evil

Please visit my unique museum/gallery in Sacramento, CA. A tourist attraction you can drive right up to and bring the dog.


  1. My youtube channel: farrellhamann you can follow me on Twitter, same name. Woman said that I have one of the best Twitter Avatars that she ever saw.
    (I like that!!, does cover bald head)

  2. Hi, if translation sucks or is confusing, please help out by commenting here. Thanks F.
